Now Accepting 2022 "Yard of the Year" Nominations
Download the Yard of the Year nomination form here or fill out the form below by June 30. Thank you!
2021 "Yard of the Year" Winner
The 2021 Villa Hills Yard of the Year Award
Each year the Villa Hills Garden Club sponsors the “Yard of the Year” award. We received four nominations and it was truly difficult choosing just one winner. Each is a unique expression of the resident’s personal choice of plant material and design. We want to congratulate each nominee for their efforts in creating such beautiful landscapes.
Our nominees for this year were: Pamela Gregg at 2922 Vista Court; Ralph & Jackie Dusing at 1016 Cedar Brook Drive; Rhonda Laws at 2706 Wesley Drive, and Judi Brungs at 2465 Felice Drive.
Judi Brungs was chosen as our 2021 Yard of the Year winner. She and Joe purchased their home on Felice Drive in the Spring of 2018. As with many new builds, the landscape was either too large for the location or plants that the owner would not have chosen. So, the task began. Judi wanted to start with a blank slate, and after having a large River Birch and a Green Giant Arborvitae relocated to the back yard, she was ready to begin the process of creating new garden beds, amending the soil and then the joy of planting.
Judi planned her new garden with color, texture and harmony in mind. Besides utilizing our local nurseries, she also enjoyed purchases from the Proven Winners collection and seed catalogs. Two large beds, that border the walkway, include unique specimens such as a standard pink & white hydrangea, and a Japanese fetter bush, boasting pink blossoms. Peach and white new guinea impatiens, were added along with variegated lirope, rex begonias and a “show stopping” Hosta. A very nice combination of color and texture.
Her favorite island is one she added recently along the side of her driveway. The striking Ornamental Red Bud is the centerpiece and boasts deep maroon to purple heart shaped leaves. Complimenting this specimen are petite buddha butterfly bushes, along with the boomerang lilac and gorgeous pink new guinea impatiens in full bloom.
As you wander toward the backyard you spot many brightly colored ceramic birdbaths, with solar water pumps, that invite the gold finches to refresh after feeding on the sunflowers, heavy with seeds.
The far reaches of the backyard was once over-crowed with dying trees and underbrush. Ten trees were removed to lift the canopy of that area which allowed for more sunlight to penetrate the space. The large River Birch and Green Giant Arborvitae were then relocated from the front yard. Judi’s vision for this area was to create a natural and unstructured setting. Large Spruce and Arborvitae create that effect, along with woodland plantings of ferns, ornamental grasses, coral bells, butterfly bushes, and hostas. As you take it all in you are surprised at the pops of red, yellow, and pink that lead to an inviting dry creek bed. The more you explore, the more you see.
This backyard retreat has the benefit of a continuous blooming garden and the tranquility that Judi feels as she shares her early morning coffee with the many butterflies, finches and hummingbirds that visit her each day.
It is easy to see that Judi has a passion for gardening and learning more about this wonderfully, fulfilling hobby. The results are clear, an award-winning garden!!!
Congratulations to Judi and all of our nominees.
Each year the Villa Hills Garden Club sponsors the “Yard of the Year” award. We received four nominations and it was truly difficult choosing just one winner. Each is a unique expression of the resident’s personal choice of plant material and design. We want to congratulate each nominee for their efforts in creating such beautiful landscapes.
Our nominees for this year were: Pamela Gregg at 2922 Vista Court; Ralph & Jackie Dusing at 1016 Cedar Brook Drive; Rhonda Laws at 2706 Wesley Drive, and Judi Brungs at 2465 Felice Drive.
Judi Brungs was chosen as our 2021 Yard of the Year winner. She and Joe purchased their home on Felice Drive in the Spring of 2018. As with many new builds, the landscape was either too large for the location or plants that the owner would not have chosen. So, the task began. Judi wanted to start with a blank slate, and after having a large River Birch and a Green Giant Arborvitae relocated to the back yard, she was ready to begin the process of creating new garden beds, amending the soil and then the joy of planting.
Judi planned her new garden with color, texture and harmony in mind. Besides utilizing our local nurseries, she also enjoyed purchases from the Proven Winners collection and seed catalogs. Two large beds, that border the walkway, include unique specimens such as a standard pink & white hydrangea, and a Japanese fetter bush, boasting pink blossoms. Peach and white new guinea impatiens, were added along with variegated lirope, rex begonias and a “show stopping” Hosta. A very nice combination of color and texture.
Her favorite island is one she added recently along the side of her driveway. The striking Ornamental Red Bud is the centerpiece and boasts deep maroon to purple heart shaped leaves. Complimenting this specimen are petite buddha butterfly bushes, along with the boomerang lilac and gorgeous pink new guinea impatiens in full bloom.
As you wander toward the backyard you spot many brightly colored ceramic birdbaths, with solar water pumps, that invite the gold finches to refresh after feeding on the sunflowers, heavy with seeds.
The far reaches of the backyard was once over-crowed with dying trees and underbrush. Ten trees were removed to lift the canopy of that area which allowed for more sunlight to penetrate the space. The large River Birch and Green Giant Arborvitae were then relocated from the front yard. Judi’s vision for this area was to create a natural and unstructured setting. Large Spruce and Arborvitae create that effect, along with woodland plantings of ferns, ornamental grasses, coral bells, butterfly bushes, and hostas. As you take it all in you are surprised at the pops of red, yellow, and pink that lead to an inviting dry creek bed. The more you explore, the more you see.
This backyard retreat has the benefit of a continuous blooming garden and the tranquility that Judi feels as she shares her early morning coffee with the many butterflies, finches and hummingbirds that visit her each day.
It is easy to see that Judi has a passion for gardening and learning more about this wonderfully, fulfilling hobby. The results are clear, an award-winning garden!!!
Congratulations to Judi and all of our nominees.